
Direct entry

Are you looking for a position with responsibility that will offer you new professional challenges? Then BACHMANN is the right place for you.

Let your career pick up speed at BACHMANN

No matter whether you already have experience in a technical or management role, or want to join us straight from vocational training – there are many avenues open to you in our medium-sized, internationally active family business. We are looking for experts in the fields of development, sales, corporate functions, production and many more.

Join the BACHMANN Community!
The main thing that awaits you in our company, besides your specialist work, is this: The BACHMANN Community. More than just a slogan, this term stands for togetherness, respect and appreciation for every individual, be they an employee, partner or customer. We really live this every day, from the CEO through to our apprentices.

It is our aim for everyone to feel good at and with BACHMANN. This also includes in-company health management, which covers regular health initiatives. We help our employees to achieve a good work-life balance with flexible working hours that take individual needs into account.

What happens when you join BACHMANN
You will learn everything to do with BACHMANN during an intensive induction phase lasting several weeks. We will introduce you to our product range and make sure you are familiar with all the details you will need to know in order to work with us. It is also very important to us that everyone gets to know personally where they will be working and who with as soon as possible. An initial meeting with new colleagues will give you the opportunity to share your thoughts with one another. To start with, we will assign you a “BACHMANN mentor”, who will assist you during your first few months and act as a point of contact for any questions you may have.

Career opportunities at BACHMANN
Do you still want to achieve a great deal in your career and have specific goals that are yet to be reached? Whether you are on a technical or management career path, we will be pleased to help you with internal and external further training that will hone your individual skills and really equip you for future challenges.

Interested? Then apply now!
Please send your application and get in touch with us.

Current job opportunities
You will find the vacancies we currently have for direct entry here. If you should not find anything suitable, please feel free to send us a speculative application.

Your contact

Do you have any questions about career at BACHMANN? We are happy to help.

Adriana Ivanova

HR Business Partner International

Email adriana.ivanova@bachmann.com

You couldn't find the right contact?

Our colleagues at the Head Office are looking forward to your request!

Bachmann GmbH

Ernsthaldenstraße 33

70565 Stuttgart


Phone +49 711 86602-0

printer icon +49 711 86602-34

Email info@bachmann.com

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